Course Outline

This course surveys the theoretical, critical, and empirical literature on organizational communication. Critically, the class examines the discourses of technology appropriation, organizational climate, culture, and values, leadership, identity, and change among others. Also studied are the empirical literature on human communication and complex organizations; the study of meaning, language, messages, symbols, and interaction; superior-subordinate communication, communication networks and technologies in organizations,  conflict management and negotiation, and power and politics, decision-making, personal and  relational development, as well as  group communication within organizations.

Course objectives

1.      Have a broad understanding of organizational Communication

2.      Define the general terms related to the academic study of organizational communication.

3.      Explain what organizations are and how communication functions within them.

4.      Describe how individual personality traits and human temperament affect organizational communication and cohesion.

5.      Examine how supervisors and subordinates communicate with each other effectively.

6.      Clarify how both employee and employer perceptions of each other can impact an organization.

7.      Discuss how power and status influence the normal functioning of organizations and organizational communication.

8.      Explain why organizations are resistant to change, and the impact of conflict within the organization.

Expected Outcomes

At the end of the course, students will

Learn to use a communication approach to understanding organizations

Recognize the value of applied communication research

Explore the communication perspectives, principles, and pragmatics necessary to understand and succeed in organizations from numerous case studies

Apply communication theories to actual organizational communication practices

Enhance their ability to assess and improve communication processes in various organizational situations

Physical Space Type Required: Regular Classroom